Student PerformanceSt. Mary Catholic School Student Performance
St. Mary Catholic School students excel in our academically rigorous environment and consistently score above the average on both Archdiocesan and national standardized testing. Our students continue to be accepted by Catholic high schools throughout the Archdiocese and are rewarded for their excellence in academics with advanced course placements and academic scholarships. The 2024 graduating class of St. Mary Catholic School went on to attend the following schools:
Private High Schools (4 students)
North Hagerstown High School IB Program (2 Students)
Public High School (5 students)

Progress Reports
St. Mary Catholic School uses the Archdiocesan Progress Report. Students in grades Pre-K through 8 will receive Progress Reports at the end of each twelve-week trimester. To learn more about our Progress Reports System please click on the link below.
Standardized Testing
Standardized test score results are used to guide curriculum, instruction, and program decisions and also to assist with identifying local and Archdiocesan-wide professional development needs. To learn more about our student’s performance in standardized test scores please click on the button below.
Good SAMs Program
Each month teachers select a student who exemplifies our SMCS Keys for Success by being kind and gentle, respectful, and responsible, just as the Good Samaritan demonstrated on his journey. Teachers tie the SMCS Keys for Success back to the Bible verses that reflect these attributes. Learn more about the Good SAMs program via the button below.
Honor Roll
Each year St. Mary Catholic School recognized middle school students who demonstrate excellent academic achievement in the areas of English Language Arts, Mathematics, Religion, and Social Studies. To learn more about the honor roll please click on the button below.
National Junior Honor Society
The Reverend George A. Limmer Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) of St. Mary Catholic School is a duly chartered and affiliated chapter of the NASSP, a prestigious national organization. Membership is open to those students who meet the required standards in five areas of evaluation: scholarship, leadership, service, citizenship, and character. To learn more about the NJHS please click on the button below.