Student Life

Clubs & Activities

Clubs & Activities

St. Mary Catholic School students has a robust offering of clubs and activities, most of which are available for students in all grades. All clubs help our students develop their unique, God-given talents as our mission calls us to do. Beyond that, clubs help students grow either their academic potential, their service to others, or their faith, or a combination of these.

Student Performance

Student Council

St. Mary Catholic School, the Student Council serves as the voice of the entire student body.      
Each spring, officers are elected from the middle school.  Students in grades four through eight have homeroom representatives. Learn more about the student council program by clicking on the button below. 

Guardians of the Altar

What Makes St. Mary School Stand Apart from Every Other School in Washington County? Did you know that over 10% of our student body attends an afterschool program called Guardians of the Altar— To begin each meeting, both groups will meet together and with Father James lead the Lectio Divina. Then the groups will split up. The boys, led by Father James and Mr. Cascio, will be trained to serve at the Mass, grow in virtue, and learn how to pray the Word of God. 

Young Women of Grace

Led by Dr. Summers and Mrs. Lyons (St. Mary’s Youth Minister), students in grades 4-8 will be trained to lector at the Mass, grow in virtue, and how to pray the Word of God.  Girls will participate in activities designed specifically for girls to deepen their Christian values and learn what it means to be a beloved daughter of God. 

Children’s Choir

Children (grades K-5) may participate in our school choir. Our choir is lead by Mr. Abbondanzio. Children practice once a week and then sing at our Friday school-wide Masses.

Safety Patrol Program

Eighth-grade students accept the responsibility of ensuring the safety of fellow students by acting as safety patrols at dismissal time at Saint Mary Catholic School. Members of the patrol escort student lines out of the building, hold open the school doors as students are dismissed, and assist the teachers in supervising students on both parking lots.  Learn more about the safety patrol program by clicking on the button below. 

Interested in Learning More about our Catholic School?

In choosing St. Mary Catholic School, you are investing in your child’s tomorrow. For over 145 years students and families have been entrusting SMCS for educational excellence – spiritually, academically, and socially. We invite you to visit our campus in historic Hagerstown, Maryland to learn more about our school as well as our school community.