Student Life
Social EventsSocial Events at St. Mary Catholic School
Cooperating, sharing, participating, being patient, following directions, taking turns, helping others, accepting differences, using good manners, praising others, and respect ourselves and others are skills are at the center of all social interactions at Saint Mary Catholic School. The faculty and staff stress socially acceptable behavior at all times. SMCS students are encouraged to be role models fostering an attitude of mutual respect and responsibility.
Classroom Parties:
Homeroom parents plan parties throughout the school year in celebration of the various holidays.
Middle School Social:
Sponsored and planned by the SMCS Student Council. Music, dancing, and conversation are enjoyed by all!
SMCS students are invited to participate in scouting opportunities offered by the Boy Scouts.
Middle School Youth Group:
Middle School students have the opportunity to attend youth group monthly with our school campus minister. Come for fun, games, faith formation and fellowship.
Interested in Learning More about our Catholic School?
In choosing St. Mary Catholic School, you are investing in your child’s tomorrow. For 150 years students and families have been entrusting SMCS for educational excellence – spiritually, academically, and socially. We invite you to visit our campus in historic Hagerstown, Maryland to learn more about our school as well as our school community.