
How to Apply

St. Mary Catholic School invites every family, without regard to ethnic background, religion, financial, or social status to enter and become a part of our school family.

Our history reflects that our doors have always been open to anyone desiring a Catholic education.  As a Catholic school, our principal obligation has to be to our Catholic parishioners whose goal for their children is a Catholic education. 

Admission Guidelines for St. Mary Catholic School

  • First priority will be given to children of registered and participating (uses church envelopes) members of Saint Mary/Saint Michael Parishes who follow our application procedures and timeline.
  • Second priority will be given to children of registered and participating (uses church envelopes) members of other Catholic parishes who follow our application procedures and timeline.
  • Third priority will be given to children of families who are non-registered/non-practicing Catholics and other denominations who follow our application procedures and timeline.
  • Priority admission is also given to children with siblings already attending St. Mary.
  • Pre-Kindergarten students must be four years of age by September 1 of the year they apply.
  • Kindergarten students must be five years of age by September 1 of the year they apply, as verified by a birth certificate.
  • Occasionally a student fails to meet the school’s academic or conduct standards, or the school is unable to meet the needs of the child.  If this occurs, the parent(s) will be contacted, meeting(s) arranged, and if it is felt the child would benefit, the parent(s) would be asked to withdraw the child.  Such a recommendation would only occur after conferences with the parent(s) and after exhausting all other methods of help.  Children are our priority and their needs must come first.

Required at Time of Application

  • Birth Certificate
  • Baptismal Certificate (if Catholic)
  • Copy of previous year’s progress/report card, as well as current report card
  • Copy of standardized test scores
  • Letter of confirmation of registration/participation from home parish
  • $100 non-refundable application fee; $250 non-refundable new student enrollment fee

Required by Opening of School

  • Copy of up-to-date immunizations records (submit with application if possible)
  • Proof of physical examination within last 12 months
  • Completed Health Assessment forms